Pre- and Postpartum Care
While pregnant, come preventively to learn:
How to transfer, lift, exercise with proper abdominal bracing
Decrease postural imbalances that come from changes to the body during pregnancy
Awareness of their pelvic floor in addition to how to breathe and relax the muscles pelvic floor muscles which is important during labor and delivery to reduce tearing and improve efficiency of birth
How to properly push for childbirth Birth
Labor positioning
Perineal stretching at 34 weeks (with or without partner)
We also treat conditions one may encounter in pregnancy including: SPD, sciatica, back and hip pain, incontinence, urgency, constipation
Outcomes during pregnancy:
Increased confidence going into birth and labor
Postpartum treatment:
Treat C-section scars, scar sensitivity
Visceral massage/manipulation (certified by Barrel Institute)
Diastasis recti
Pain with intercourse
Address common postural issues postpartum: mother’s wrist, back and hip pain, stress incontinence, prolapse, bladder urgency, constipation, bowel incontinence
Learn how to safely pace return to physical activity
Outcomes postpartum:
Reduced or no perineal tearing
Reduced prolapse / severity of prolapse
Decreased or no lasting stress incontinence postpartum